Well January has come to a close so that means its time to do my round up of all the new movies I saw during the month. I only managed to see three of the new releases last month but they were mostly quality films, so without further delay lets dive right in!
Released: Jan 6 2017
Director: Theodore Melfi
Starring: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae
A feel good story that not many people may know about. The film highlights the african american women who worked at NASA in the 1960's and the obstacles they had to overcome. Its a nice film with a great message but I feel like its "best picture" nomination is just the Academy trying to cover their asses after the "Oscar so white" controversy last year.
Released: Jan 6 2017
Director J. A. Bayona
Starring: Lewis MacDougall, Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones
I absolutely adore this movie. Its currently my top pick for 2017 and I don't think it will be unseated for the rest of the year. If you'd like to read my full review for it click on through right here.
Released: Jan 13 2017
Director: Ben Affleck
Starring: Ben Affleck, Elle Fanning, Zoe Saldana
I'm not gonna lie I was really disappointed by this one. It sounded amazing on paper: A gangster movie based on a book from Dennis Lehane, and directed by and starring Ben Affleck who over the last few years has really come into his own as an actor and director. It introduces some interesting concepts and plots that are often unexplored in the crime genre but never really pays them off. The end result leaves us with a two hour long affair that feels as if it needs another hour at least to tell the story it wanted. Here's hoping for an extended cut when its released to home formats.
Well that wraps it up for this month's round up. Did you see anything I didn't? Have a different opinion then I did? Please let me know and as always, thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!
P.s: If you missed out on November and December click right here.
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